Parent Input / Participation

It is policy of this centre that all parents are encouraged to provide centre feedback via verbal or written means of communication. All input and feedback is reviewed and acted on where required.

We encourage families to participate in the care of their child and the centre community, through inviting parents and extended family to share special experiences with us at the centre.


  1. The centre provides feedback through a suggestion box located in the foyer. There are communication books located in the children’s rooms and staff try to approach parents to either greet or discuss the child’s day- providing a friendly opportunity for parents to provide input on their child’s care.
  1. We have an open door policy where by parents are encouraged to provide input to the centre.
  1. The centre provides opportunity for parent input and participation during parent information nights.
  1. Parents are encouraged to fill out ‘Parent Learning Stories’ on what is happening in the family’s life at home, so we can incorporate and extend into our program

Policy reviewed August 2017