Student Placement Policy

Purpose: To ensure that students are offered places from accepted courses and in accordance with priority and supervision guidelines as outlined below.


Lili’s Early Learning recognises that student placements are important for the training and development of future carers for children in the wider community and so will offer placements to students studying specifically related courses.

Policy statement

LEL will provide placements for students in the centres when available. Priority will be given to students studying a diploma or degree in early childhood, Certificate I – III, or work experience.

  • Student placements will be organised on an annual basis in a manner that is planned and appropriate and suits the needs and culture of the centre
  • Students are allocated a ‘student supervisor’ at the centre and must meet the relevant documentation and competency requirements.
  • Students are expected to abide by the requirements of the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2010, all of the centres policies and principles of accreditation, whilst attending the centre.
  • Students are required to sign in/out each day for insurance purposes.
  • Students are not to give advice and information about parenting and individual children to parents/carers.

Our responsibilities

LEL have a responsibility to ensure that:

  • All necessary paperwork is completed prior to the student commencing their placement.
  • An induction process is undertaken for all students prior to commencing their placement.
  • All students are supervised by a qualified staff member at all times.
  • Students are not to be left alone or left in charge of a group of children.
  • Students are made aware of the conditions of their placement as outlined previously. 

Source National Quality Standard 2011
Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011
Early Years Learning Framework
Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework
Policy reviewed August 2017