Dental Policy - Oral Health

At LEL we have a duty of care to educate our families and children about dental care. Effective dental and oral care is important for a child’s health and wellbeing. Care of the teeth and mouth often begins at home, however staff can play a significant role in either supporting or introducing strategies for dental care in child care and at home. Effective dental health for children is closely related to the development of healthy adult teeth.

Our aim is to encourage all children to have knowledge of and practice regular good dental hygiene whilst at the centre and at home.

We encourage children to learn proper mouth hygiene from an as early age as possible in order to prevent tooth decay.

Our centre will promote healthy eating habits – fresh fruit, minimal sweet foods and plenty of water to drink.

Current Information regarding dental care is available for all families and can be translated into home languages if necessary.

During the event of a ‘dental emergency’ we would advise the parents of the closest known dentist to the area.


The promotion of good oral health is identified through the centre’s daily program which recognises the following:

Eat well - Encouraging and supporting the principles of healthy eating for all children

By providing
• Weekly menu is appropriate to the children’s growth and developmental needs
• Special dietary requirements that are met through consultation
• A weekly menu on display to parents and staff
• A menu which is sugar restricted
• Try not to provide chocolate or lollies
• Water is readily available at all times

Drink well
• Serving children water or milk (infants are fed expressed milk, infant formula or milk) at morning tea, lunchtime and afternoon tea
• Children have access to water throughout the day

• The need to reinforce to children, staff and parents the value of good oral hygiene

Sourced: - parent, youth and women health services
Department of Human Services – Better Health Fact Sheet
Reference: Oral Health Promotion-Dental Health Services Victoria
Policy reviewed August 2017